This mini course
is organized by the Department of Mathematics in Lens, and it is
supported by the Université d'Artois. The program will include
three 5-hours courses, and three talks by young researchers. Here is the list of the titles:
Julia Hartmann (RWTH, Aachen): Quadratic Forms, Linear
Algebraic Groups, and Patching.
Nikita Karpenko (UPMC Paris 6): Isotropy of
Richard Weiss (Tufts University): Buildings, exceptional Moufang
polygons and quadratic forms.
Asher Auel (Emory University): Involutions on Clifford
algebras of line bundle-valued quadratic forms.
Victor Petrov (MPIM): Motives of some projective homogeneous varieties of outer type.
Anastasia Stavrova (Universität München): On the Serre-Grothendieck conjecture concerning principal bundles of reductive group schemes.